Water damages numerous Lincoln Nebraska homes. Every year, many of those homes wind up with mold growing from that damage. When water damage strikes, it’s important to act promptly. You should obviously stop the flow of water when possible. Water removal is also important. Mop, squeegee and wet vacuuming are all effective methods of removal.
Without professional restoration help, it is advisable to simply remove some wet materials instead of trying to save and dry them. Wet carpet pad, insulation, drywall and even cabinetry might be better off removed. These materials can hold significant moisture, or simply be too difficult to dry before mold can grow.
With any type of significant water damage, hiring a professional water cleanup company is advisable. In Lincoln, DryHero Water & Mold performs free on-site evaluations. We often tell people that they don’t need us! We will also point out areas that might get them into trouble due to trapped or hidden water. Call 402-438-2379 for your free damage assessment.